She will keep rambling on and on that she wants the protagonist to play with her. She will then begin to cry blood, all while the screen slowly tints to a dark red and a distorted version of "Okay Everyone!" plays over the scene. Natsuki's eyes and mouth will begin to glitch out and will be covered with shifting black pixels. When the protagonist shares his poem with Natsuki, she will complain that he has been spending too much time with Yuri. It takes place on Day 3, in the poem sharing time. Natsuki's "ending" will happen once the protagonist writes two poems for Natsuki in the first two days of Act 2. However, this is an optional event, and the game continues normally like it never happened, so Natsuki doesn't stay in this state.) (Note: This isn't necessarily an ending to the game. This suggests that Sayori hanged herself very early on Day 5, which has been confirmed by Dan Salvato in his Twitter. The blood on her hands has dried a little and turned a rusty brown.
There are black shadows under her eyes, and her skin has a pale, sickly tone. Sayori does not wear the outfit that she wore on Day 4, but instead she wears a white jacket and red shorts. Monika believes that this is because of Sayori either changing her mind a few seconds too late or her survival instincts kicking in. Instead, she slowly asphyxiated, and during this time tried to scratch at the rope in a vain attempt to free herself, bloodying her hands in the process. Monika states in Act 3 during her conversation with the player that Sayori's hands are bloody because her hanging did not kill her instantly, having stepped from a chair instead of a higher place, the latter which would have made her death quick and painless. The "New Game" option will also be replaced with a line of glitched and distorted text, but its functionality remains the same. When the game forcibly brings the players straight back to the menu, the result is Sayori being switched with a scrambled up mess of each of the other character's sprites where she used to be. The protagonist claims that she is gone forever and suggests that choosing the other option when hearing Sayori's confession would have prevented this. When the protagonist sees her, the game will start glitching out and the music will heavily be distorted, playing the song "Sayo-Nara", a distorted version of the menu theme.

Regardless of the protagonist's choices prior, he will rush into Sayori's room, where she can be seen hanging by a noose from her neck. Sayori's ending happens halfway through the game. (Note: This isn't necessarily an ending to the game, but more the events that lead to the end of her life. Character-Specific Endings Sayori's Ending