sexchange - allows player to alter character gender.tfc - will unlock flycam, used mostly for creating better screenshots.tav speedmult - adjusts player's running speed.setgs fJumpHeightMin - modifies a player's jump to go higher or lower.resurrect - brings back to life a dead character.kill - kills a specific character or monster.killall - instantly kills all NPCs within the vicinity except companions or those vital to quests in which they will slump to the ground injured and will require a stimpak.tcl - removes collision, allowing players to walk through walls.Once the console command is available, a player may simply type in the following cheats: On the PC, a player can input several cheats by pressing the tilde key to bring down the console command. While cheats on consoles are common, the PC version as multitude of cheats due to the option of using the console command or tilde key, reports PC Advisor. Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, giving us a like on Facebook, and joining us on Discord.In less than 72 hours following the launch of "Fallout 4" for the PC, Xbox One and PS4, cheats for the game have started surfacing online. coc qasmoke - Teleports you to a cheat room containing every itemįallout 4 is out now on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.tav speedmult (number) - Sets running speed to specified number.setgs fjumpheightmin (number) - Sets jump height to specified number.unlock - Unlocks targeted door or terminal.player.additem (item ID) (number) - Grants specified number of specified item.help (name) - Reveals ID of named item, creature, character, and more.showlooksmenu player 1 - Lets you customise your character.player.modav carryweight (number) - Sets carry weight to specified number.completequest (quest ID) - Completes specified quest.resetquest (quest ID) - Reset specified quest.completeallobjectives (quest ID) - Complete all current objectives in specified quest.resurrect (target ID) - Resurrects specified target.kill (target ID) - Kills specified target.killall - Kill nearby NPCs, save from those important to the story.tlevel (level number) - Sets level to specified number.player.advlevel - Increases level by one.tfc 1 - Grants access to free camera, freezes animations.You also don't have to worry about case-sensitive commands or brackets when inputting any Fallout 4 console commands and cheats from the list below: Alternatively, they also provide a neat solution for those moments when you must absolutely snap a beautiful screenshot of a vista you just discovered without being confined by the game's usual camera limitations.īringing up the in-game console is easy enough and only requires one press of the tilde (`) key.